Application for Puppies
If you are interested in purchasing one of our puppies, please fill out our application and email it to us at
[email protected]
Phone #:
Vet Phone #:
Are you looking for a male or female?
What type of coat are you looking for your shepherd to have? Standard, Long or Plush.
What color are you looking for?
Number of dogs you currently own?
If you have dogs, what breed are they?
Do you currently own a German Shepherd?
If you have dogs currently, what brand of dog food do you use?
Do you rent or own your home?
If renting, house or apartment?
Do you have a fenced yard?
How long have you lived at your current address?
Are you married?
Number of children?
Ages of all household residents?
Are you employed?
Are you a breeder?
What drive are you looking for in your German Shepherd? High, Medium, or Low?
I am looking for a German Shepherd for: (Please check one or more)
____ Companion/ family pet
____ Family Protection
____ Work dog
____ Show
Give me a brief description of why you want a German Shepherd.